Friday, August 29

tes otakku...

lagi stress, atur ulang schedule delivery, prepared buat bulan puasa, ngatur kapasitas kerja temen2... mumet de...

iseng2 buka blogspotku, ngelink ke blog temen, eh ketemu ma tes buat otak. lewat tes ini kita bisa tau, sebenernya dominan mana ce otak kita, yang kiri or kanan. wahh..tertantang juga pengen ikutan....

Quiz: The Brain Test

Tickle's free Brain Test is a personality test for any age, developed by PhDs to determine how your mind really works. You will discover which hemisphere of your brain is most dominant: The left hemisphere interprets details and reasoning, while the right hemisphere interprets information through visual or creative cues. Your test results can also indicate what kind of learner you are and give you ideas to think in new ways.

dan setelah isi semua soal, hasilnya adalah



That means you are able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of your brain, depending upon a given situation.

When you need to explain a complicated process to someone, or plan a detailed vacation, the left hemisphere of your brain, which is responsible for your ability to solve problems logically, might kick in. But if you were critiquing an art opening or coming up with an original way to file papers, the right side of your brain, which is responsible for noticing subtle details in things, might take over.

While many people have clearly dominant left- or right-brained tendencies, you are able to draw on skills from both hemispheres of your brain. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker.

The down side to being balanced-brained is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways.

hmmm...terjawab sudah pertanyaan2 selama ini.. caraku ambil keputusan dan proses yang terjadi selama pengambilan keputusan itu... dan alasan kenapa ada yang mengatakan aliya kayak bunglon (sempet agak kaget dapet julukan itu, kesannya gimanaaaa gitu...) yang bisa "hidup" dimana saja, flexible banged cara berpikirnya, hingga dicintai dilingkungan mana saja yang dia tempati... hehehe.. masa seh gitu...biasa aja de

thx buat mas nanang yang udah komentari aliya... dan buat tes otak yang buat aliya jadi lebih mengenali diri sendiri :)

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